adios_db.models.oil package
- adios_db.models.oil.cleanup package
- adios_db.models.oil.validation package
adios_db.models.oil.bulk_composition module
dataclass to store the compounds
- class adios_db.models.oil.bulk_composition.BulkComposition(name: str = '', groups: list = <factory>, method: str = '', measurement: ~adios_db.models.common.measurement.MassOrVolumeFraction = None, comment: str = '')
object to hold bulk composition – could be mass or volume fraction
- comment: str = ''
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- groups: list
- measurement: MassOrVolumeFraction = None
- method: str = ''
- name: str = ''
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
- class adios_db.models.oil.bulk_composition.BulkCompositionList(iterable=(), /)
- item_type
alias of
adios_db.models.oil.ccme module
dataclass to hold the CCME data
CCME is kind of a special case, so this nails it down
- class adios_db.models.oil.ccme.CCME(F1: MassFraction = None, F2: MassFraction = None, F3: MassFraction = None, F4: MassFraction = None, method: str = None)
hold the CCME data from env CA
- F1: MassFraction = None
- F2: MassFraction = None
- F3: MassFraction = None
- F4: MassFraction = None
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- method: str = None
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
adios_db.models.oil.completeness module
Calculate the completeness of the data contained in an oil record.
- The top-level interface is a single function:
Where oil is an oil record
It performs calculations that were designed by Robert Jones, and returns a value with a scale of 0->100
As of June 2021, these were the criteria:
The scores should be normalized by total possible score.
One emulsion water content in any subsample. Score = 2.5
- Fresh oil:
One density. Score = 1
- Second density separated by temperature.
Score = deltaT/40 but not greater than 0.5
One viscosity. Score = 0.5
- Second viscosity at a different temperature.
Score = maxDeltaT/40, but not greater than 0.5
- Two Distillation cuts separated by mass or volume fraction. Score = 3*maxDeltaFraction
Fraction recovered =1. Score = 2. Fraction recovered <1. Score = 1.
- One Weathered oil:
Density. Score = 1 Viscosity. Score = 1
- class adios_db.models.oil.completeness.Check_density
Fresh oil: One density Score = 1
- max_score = 1.0
- class adios_db.models.oil.completeness.Check_second_density
Fresh oil: One density Score = 0.5
- max_score = 0.5
- adios_db.models.oil.completeness.completeness(oil)
Calculate the completeness of the data contained in an oil record.
- Parameters:
oil – The oil record to be validated
- adios_db.models.oil.completeness.is_measurement_good(measurement)
- adios_db.models.oil.completeness.set_completeness(oil)
adios_db.models.oil.compound module
dataclass to store the compounds
- class adios_db.models.oil.compound.Compound(name: str = '', groups: list = <factory>, method: str = '', measurement: ~adios_db.models.common.measurement.MassFraction = None, comment: str = '')
Some compounds that will be handled by this dataclass: - sulfur_mass_fraction: MassFraction = None - carbon_mass_fraction: MassFraction = None - hydrogen_mass_fraction: MassFraction = None - mercaptan_sulfur_mass_fraction: MassFraction = None - nitrogen_mass_fraction: MassFraction = None - ccr_percent: MassFraction = None # conradson carbon residue - calcium_mass_fraction: MassFraction = None - hydrogen_sulfide_concentration: MassFraction = None - salt_content: MassFraction = None - paraffin_volume_fraction: MassFraction = None - naphthene_volume_fraction: MassFraction = None - aromatic_volume_fraction: MassFraction = None
- comment: str = ''
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- groups: list
- measurement: MassFraction = None
- method: str = ''
- name: str = ''
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
adios_db.models.oil.distillation module
Classes for storing measured values within an Oil record
- class adios_db.models.oil.distillation.DistCut(fraction: adios_db.models.common.measurement.MassOrVolumeFraction = None, vapor_temp: adios_db.models.common.measurement.Temperature = None)
- fraction: MassOrVolumeFraction = None
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
- vapor_temp: Temperature = None
- class adios_db.models.oil.distillation.DistCutList(iterable=(), /)
- classmethod from_data_arrays(fractions, temps, frac_unit, temp_unit, unit_type='MassFraction')
Create a DistCutList from arrays of dist cut data
- Parameters:
fractions – sequence of cut fractions
temps – sequence of cut vapor temperatures
frac_unit – unit of fractions: e.g.”%”, “fraction”
temp_unit – temperature unit: e.g. “C”, “F”, “K”
unit_type="MassFraction" – “MassFraction” or “VolumeFraction”
- class adios_db.models.oil.distillation.Distillation(type: str = None, method: str = None, end_point: adios_db.models.common.measurement.Temperature = None, fraction_recovered: adios_db.models.common.measurement.MassOrVolumeFraction = None, cuts: adios_db.models.oil.distillation.DistCutList = <factory>)
- cuts: DistCutList
- end_point: Temperature = None
- fraction_recovered: MassOrVolumeFraction = None
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- method: str = None
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- type: str = None
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
adios_db.models.oil.environmental_behavior module
Main class that represents an oil record.
This maps to the JSON used in the DB
Having a Python class makes it easier to write importing, validating etc, code.
- class adios_db.models.oil.environmental_behavior.EnvironmentalBehavior(dispersibilities: = <factory>, emulsions: = <factory>, adhesion: ~adios_db.models.common.measurement.NeedleAdhesion = None, ests_evaporation_test: = <factory>)
class to hold data about environmental behavior –
dispersabilty, emulsion formation, adhesion, …
- adhesion: NeedleAdhesion = None
- dispersibilities: DispersibilityList
- emulsions: EmulsionList
- ests_evaporation_test: ESTSEvaporationTest
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
adios_db.models.oil.ests_fractions module
dataclass to hold the ESTS Hydrocarbon Fractions
This is kind of a special case, so this nails it down
- class adios_db.models.oil.ests_fractions.ESTSFractions(method: str = None, saturates: ~adios_db.models.oil.compound.CompoundList = <factory>, aromatics: ~adios_db.models.oil.compound.CompoundList = <factory>, GC_TPH: ~adios_db.models.oil.compound.CompoundList = <factory>)
hold the ESTS Hydrocarbon Fractions from env CA
- GC_TPH: CompoundList
- aromatics: CompoundList
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- method: str = None
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- saturates: CompoundList
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
adios_db.models.oil.industry_property module
dataclass to store the industry properties
These are tricky, as they can be any weird unit
- class adios_db.models.oil.industry_property.IndustryProperty(name: str = '', method: str = '', measurement: AnyUnit = None, comment: str = '')
This handles the various odd industry properties.
For example:
Total Acid Number
Reid Vapor Pressure
Aniline Point
Cetane Index
Cloud Point
Smoke Point
Freeze Point
- comment: str = ''
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- method: str = ''
- name: str = ''
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
- class adios_db.models.oil.industry_property.IndustryPropertyList(iterable=(), /)
- item_type
alias of
adios_db.models.oil.location_coordinates module
Location Coordinates Object
When saved out as JSON, this is a subset of geoJSON
i.e. a geoJSON geometry, but can only be a Point or a Polygon.
So either:
'type': 'Point',
'coordinates': [0, 0]
'type': 'Polygon',
'coordinates': [[[-5e6, -1e6], [-4e6, 1e6], [-3e6, -1e6]]]
- class adios_db.models.oil.location_coordinates.LocationCoordinates(type: str, coordinates: list)
- coordinates: list
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- type: str
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
adios_db.models.oil.metadata module
Class that represents the demographic data (metadata) of an oil record.
- class adios_db.models.oil.metadata.ChangeLog(iterable=(), /)
- item_type
alias of
- class adios_db.models.oil.metadata.ChangeLogEntry(name: str = '', date: str = '', comment: str = '')
- comment: str = ''
- date: str = ''
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- name: str = ''
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
- class adios_db.models.oil.metadata.MetaData(name: str = '', source_id: str = '', alternate_names: list = <factory>, location: str = '', reference: adios_db.models.oil.values.Reference = <factory>, sample_date: str = '', product_type: adios_db.models.oil.product_type.ProductType = '', API: float = None, comments: str = '', labels: list = <factory>, model_completeness: float = None, location_coordinates: adios_db.models.oil.location_coordinates.LocationCoordinates = None, gnome_suitable: bool = None, change_log: adios_db.models.oil.metadata.ChangeLog = <factory>)
- API: float = None
- alternate_names: list
- comments: str = ''
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- gnome_suitable: bool = None
- labels: list
- location: str = ''
- location_coordinates: LocationCoordinates = None
- model_completeness: float = None
- name: str = ''
- product_type: ProductType = ''
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- sample_date: str = ''
- source_id: str = ''
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
- class adios_db.models.oil.metadata.SampleMetaData(name: str = 'Fresh Oil Sample', short_name: str = None, sample_id: str = None, description: str = None, fraction_evaporated: adios_db.models.common.measurement.MassFraction = None, boiling_point_range: adios_db.models.common.measurement.Temperature = None)
- boiling_point_range: Temperature = None
- description: str = None
- fraction_evaporated: MassFraction = None
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- name: str = 'Fresh Oil Sample'
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- sample_id: str = None
- short_name: str = None
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
adios_db.models.oil.oil module
Main class that represents an oil record.
This maps to the JSON used in the DB
Having a Python class makes it easier to write importing, validating etc, code.
- class adios_db.models.oil.oil.Oil(oil_id: str, adios_data_model_version: adios_db.models.oil.version.Version = Version(0, 12, 0), metadata: adios_db.models.oil.metadata.MetaData = <factory>, sub_samples: adios_db.models.oil.sample.SampleList = <factory>, status: list = <factory>, permanent_warnings: list = <factory>, extra_data: dict = <factory>, review_status: adios_db.models.oil.review_status.ReviewStatus = <factory>)
- extra_data: dict
- classmethod from_file(infile)
load an Oil object from the passed in JSON file
it can be either a path or an open file object
- NOTE: this could be in the decorator – but we only really need it
for a full record.
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- oil_id: str
- permanent_warnings: list
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- reset_validation()
calls the validate method, and updates the status with the result
- review_status: ReviewStatus
- status: list
- sub_samples: SampleList
- to_file(outfile, sparse=True)
save an Oil object as JSON to the passed in file
it can be either a path or a writable open file object
- NOTE: this could be in the decorator – but we only really need it
for a full record.
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
- adios_db.models.oil.oil.get_current_version()
adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties module
Main class that represents an oil record.
This maps to the JSON used in the DB
Having a Python class makes it easier to write importing, validating etc, code.
- class adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.DensityList(iterable=(), /)
- classmethod from_data(data_table)
Create a DensityList from data of the format:
``` [(density, density_unit, temp, temp_unit),
(density, density_unit, temp, temp_unit), … ]
``` example:
``` [(0.8663, “g/cm³”, 15, “C”),
(0.9012, “g/cm³”, 0.0, “C”), ]
- item_type
alias of
- class adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.DensityPoint(density: adios_db.models.common.measurement.Density = None, ref_temp: adios_db.models.common.measurement.Temperature = None, method: str = None, comment: str = None)
- comment: str = None
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- method: str = None
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- ref_temp: Temperature = None
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
- class adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.DynamicViscosityList(iterable=(), /)
- classmethod from_data(data_table)
Create a DensityList from data of the format:
``` [(viscosity, viscosity_unit, temp, temp_unit),
(viscosity, viscosity, temp, temp_unit), … ]
``` example:
``` [(100, “cSt”, 273.15, “K”),
(1234.3, “cSt”, 15.0, “C”), ]
- item_type
alias of
- validate()
validator for viscosity
Checks dvis are increasing with temperature.
- class adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.DynamicViscosityPoint(viscosity: adios_db.models.common.measurement.DynamicViscosity = None, ref_temp: adios_db.models.common.measurement.Temperature = None, shear_rate: adios_db.models.common.measurement.AngularVelocity = None, method: str = None, comment: str = None)
- comment: str = None
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- method: str = None
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- ref_temp: Temperature = None
- shear_rate: AngularVelocity = None
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
- viscosity: DynamicViscosity = None
- class adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.FlashPoint(measurement: adios_db.models.common.measurement.Temperature = None, method: str = None, comment: str = None)
- comment: str = None
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- measurement: Temperature = None
- method: str = None
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
- class adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.InterfacialTensionList(iterable=(), /)
- item_type
alias of
- class adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.InterfacialTensionPoint(tension: adios_db.models.common.measurement.InterfacialTension = None, ref_temp: adios_db.models.common.measurement.Temperature = None, method: str = None, comment: str = None)
- comment: str = None
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- method: str = None
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- ref_temp: Temperature = None
- tension: InterfacialTension = None
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
- class adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.KinematicViscosityList(iterable=(), /)
- classmethod from_data(data_table)
Create a DensityList from data of the format:
``` [(viscosity, viscosity_unit, temp, temp_unit),
(viscosity, viscosity, temp, temp_unit), … ]
``` example:
``` [(100, “cSt”, 273.15, “K”),
(1234.3, “cSt”, 15.0, “C”), ]
- item_type
alias of
- validate()
validator for viscosity
Checks kvis are increasing with temperature.
- class adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.KinematicViscosityPoint(viscosity: adios_db.models.common.measurement.KinematicViscosity = None, ref_temp: adios_db.models.common.measurement.Temperature = None, shear_rate: adios_db.models.common.measurement.AngularVelocity = None, method: str = None, comment: str = None)
- comment: str = None
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- method: str = None
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- ref_temp: Temperature = None
- shear_rate: AngularVelocity = None
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
- viscosity: KinematicViscosity = None
- class adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.PhysicalProperties(pour_point: adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.PourPoint = None, flash_point: adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.FlashPoint = None, appearance: str = '', densities: adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.DensityList = <factory>, kinematic_viscosities: adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.KinematicViscosityList = <factory>, dynamic_viscosities: adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.DynamicViscosityList = <factory>, interfacial_tension_air: adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.InterfacialTensionList = <factory>, interfacial_tension_water: adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.InterfacialTensionList = <factory>, interfacial_tension_seawater: adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.InterfacialTensionList = <factory>)
- appearance: str = ''
- densities: DensityList
- dynamic_viscosities: DynamicViscosityList
- flash_point: FlashPoint = None
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- interfacial_tension_air: InterfacialTensionList
- interfacial_tension_seawater: InterfacialTensionList
- interfacial_tension_water: InterfacialTensionList
- kinematic_viscosities: KinematicViscosityList
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
- class adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.PourPoint(measurement: adios_db.models.common.measurement.Temperature = None, method: str = None, comment: str = None)
- comment: str = None
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- measurement: Temperature = None
- method: str = None
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
- class adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.RefTempList
mixin for all classes that are a list of points with reference temperatures
- validate()
validator for anything that has a list of reference temps
e.g. density and viscosity
For viscosity it checks for shear rate as well.
- class adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.SayboltViscosityList(iterable=(), /)
- item_type
alias of
- class adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.SayboltViscosityPoint(viscosity: adios_db.models.common.measurement.SayboltViscosity = None, ref_temp: adios_db.models.common.measurement.Temperature = None, shear_rate: adios_db.models.common.measurement.AngularVelocity = None, method: str = None, comment: str = None)
- comment: str = None
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- method: str = None
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- ref_temp: Temperature = None
- shear_rate: AngularVelocity = None
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
- viscosity: SayboltViscosity = None
adios_db.models.oil.product_type module
Class that represents the product type
With validation
Also maintains the products types and labels mapping
- class adios_db.models.oil.product_type.ProductType
- static normalize_product_type(product_type)
Makes sure the case and whitespace of product type is consistent with the list.
- Param:
product type string.
- Returns:
normalized string
- classmethod validate(value)
- class adios_db.models.oil.product_type.TypeLabelsMap(initial_data=None)
class to maintain a many to many relationship between product types and labels
attribute is a mapping with the labels as keys, and product types as values.The
attribute is a mapping with the product type as keys, and the associated labels as values.- property all_labels
- property all_labels_dict
All the labels, and their property types, as a JSON service compatible dict
- Returns:
list of dicts for each label:
[{'_id': 0, 'name': 'a label name, 'product_types': ['type one', 'type two', ...]}, ... ]
- property all_product_types
- property labels
A copy of the left dict
It’s a copy, so it won’t change the internal ones if mutated
- property product_types
A copy of the right dict
It’s a copy, so it won’t change the internal ones if mutated
- adios_db.models.oil.product_type.load_from_csv_file(filepath=None)
Loads the product types and labels mapping from a CSV file
- Parameters:
filepath=None – The name of the file to load from. If not provided, it will look for: “product_types_and_labels.csv” next to this module
- adios_db.models.oil.product_type.normalize(pt) module
Classes for storing measured values within an Oil record
- class str = None, effectiveness: adios_db.models.common.measurement.MassFraction = None, method: str = None)
- dispersant: str = None
- effectiveness: MassFraction = None
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- method: str = None
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
- class, /)
- item_type
alias of
- class float = None, a_for_ev_a_b_ln_t: float = None, a_for_ev_a_b_sqrt_t: float = None, b_for_ev_a_b_ln_t_c: float = None, b_for_ev_a_b_ln_t: float = None, b_for_ev_a_b_sqrt_t: float = None, c_for_ev_a_b_ln_t_c: float = None, method: str = None)
- a_for_ev_a_b_ln_t: float = None
- a_for_ev_a_b_ln_t_c: float = None
- a_for_ev_a_b_sqrt_t: float = None
- b_for_ev_a_b_ln_t: float = None
- b_for_ev_a_b_ln_t_c: float = None
- b_for_ev_a_b_sqrt_t: float = None
- c_for_ev_a_b_ln_t_c: float = None
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- method: str = None
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
- class ~adios_db.models.common.measurement.Time = None, water_content: ~adios_db.models.common.measurement.MassFraction = None, ref_temp: ~adios_db.models.common.measurement.Temperature = None, complex_modulus: ~adios_db.models.common.measurement.Pressure = None, storage_modulus: ~adios_db.models.common.measurement.Pressure = None, loss_modulus: ~adios_db.models.common.measurement.Pressure = None, tan_delta_v_e: ~adios_db.models.common.measurement.Unitless = None, complex_viscosity: ~adios_db.models.common.measurement.DynamicViscosity = None, kinematic_viscosities: ~adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.KinematicViscosityList = <factory>, dynamic_viscosities: ~adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.DynamicViscosityList = <factory>, method: str = None, visual_stability: str = None)
There is no use for an empty Emulsion object
But there is a use for one that has an arbitrary subset of fields,
so making them all optional
- complex_viscosity: DynamicViscosity = None
- dynamic_viscosities: DynamicViscosityList
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- kinematic_viscosities: KinematicViscosityList
- method: str = None
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- ref_temp: Temperature = None
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
- visual_stability: str = None
- water_content: MassFraction = None
- class, /)
- item_type
alias of
- class adios_db.models.common.measurement.InterfacialTension, ref_temp: adios_db.models.common.measurement.Temperature, interface: str = None, method: str = None)
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- interface: str = None
- method: str = None
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- ref_temp: Temperature
- tension: InterfacialTension
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
adios_db.models.oil.review_status module
simple class to hold the review status of a record
- class adios_db.models.oil.review_status.ReviewStatus(status: str = 'Not Reviewed', reviewers: str = '', review_date: str = '', notes: str = '')
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- notes: str = ''
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- review_date: str = ''
- reviewers: str = ''
- status: str = 'Not Reviewed'
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
adios_db.models.oil.sample module
Main class that represents an oil record.
This maps to the JSON used in the DB
Having a Python class makes it easier to write importing, validating etc, code.
- class adios_db.models.oil.sample.Sample(metadata: ~adios_db.models.oil.metadata.SampleMetaData = <factory>, cut_volume: ~adios_db.models.common.measurement.VolumeFraction = None, physical_properties: ~adios_db.models.oil.physical_properties.PhysicalProperties = <factory>, environmental_behavior: ~adios_db.models.oil.environmental_behavior.EnvironmentalBehavior = <factory>, SARA: ~adios_db.models.oil.sara.Sara = <factory>, distillation_data: ~adios_db.models.oil.distillation.Distillation = <factory>, compounds: ~adios_db.models.oil.compound.CompoundList = <factory>, bulk_composition: ~adios_db.models.oil.bulk_composition.BulkCompositionList = <factory>, industry_properties: ~adios_db.models.oil.industry_property.IndustryPropertyList = <factory>, headspace_analysis: ~adios_db.models.oil.compound.CompoundList = <factory>, CCME: ~adios_db.models.oil.ccme.CCME = <factory>, ESTS_hydrocarbon_fractions: ~adios_db.models.oil.ests_fractions.ESTSFractions = None, miscellaneous: ~adios_db.models.oil.compound.CompoundList = <factory>, extra_data: dict = <factory>)
represents the physical and chemical properties of particular sub sample.
could be fresh oil, or weathered samples, or distillation cuts, or …
- ESTS_hydrocarbon_fractions: ESTSFractions = None
- bulk_composition: BulkCompositionList
- compounds: CompoundList
- cut_volume: VolumeFraction = None
- distillation_data: Distillation
- environmental_behavior: EnvironmentalBehavior
- extra_data: dict
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- headspace_analysis: CompoundList
- industry_properties: IndustryPropertyList
- metadata: SampleMetaData
- miscellaneous: CompoundList
- physical_properties: PhysicalProperties
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
adios_db.models.oil.sara module
Model class definitions for SARA fractions
- class adios_db.models.oil.sara.Sara(method: str = None, saturates: adios_db.models.common.measurement.MassFraction = None, aromatics: adios_db.models.common.measurement.MassFraction = None, resins: adios_db.models.common.measurement.MassFraction = None, asphaltenes: adios_db.models.common.measurement.MassFraction = None)
- aromatics: MassFraction = None
- asphaltenes: MassFraction = None
- classmethod from_data(data, unit)
create a Sara object from the data provided
must be a 4-sequence:
- Parameters:
data – [saturate_fraction, aromatic_fraction, resin_fraction, asphaltene_fraction] (any value can be None)
unit – unit – must be mass fraction, e.g. ‘fraction’, “%”
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- method: str = None
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- resins: MassFraction = None
- saturates: MassFraction = None
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
adios_db.models.oil.values module
Classes for individual classes -not much here!
- class adios_db.models.oil.values.Reference(year: int = None, reference: str = '')
- classmethod validate(value)
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
- class adios_db.models.oil.values.ReferenceBase(year: int = None, reference: str = '')
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
classmethod to create a dataclass from json compatible python data structure.
- py_json(sparse=True)
function to convert a dataclass to json compatible python
- Parameters:
sparse=True – If sparse is True, only non-empty fields will be written. If False, then all fields will be included.
- reference: str = ''
- validate()
Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.
The top-level validator extends the existing list
- year: int = None
adios_db.models.oil.version module
class to handle the version number
- class adios_db.models.oil.version.Version(major, minor=0, patch=0)
class to represent a version with major, minor, and patch components
- classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)
- py_json(sparse=True)
- exception adios_db.models.oil.version.VersionError
adios_db.models.oil.version_update module Code for dealing with different versions of the data model
NOTE: this may need some refactoring when it gets more complicated
- class adios_db.models.oil.version_update.Updater
- update(py_json)
- ver_from = None
- ver_to = None
- class adios_db.models.oil.version_update.update_0_10_0_to_0_11_0
- update(py_json)
- ver_from = Version(0, 10, 0)
- ver_to = Version(0, 11, 0)
- class adios_db.models.oil.version_update.update_0_11_0_to_0_12_0
an updater for only additions – nothing to be done other than update the version
- ver_from = Version(0, 11, 0)
- ver_to = Version(0, 12, 0)
- adios_db.models.oil.version_update.update_json(py_json)
updates JSON for an oil object from an older version to a newer one