adios_db.models.oil.validation package


Check if all the status codes are ones that are on the ignored list

expects a dict of teh form returned by unpack_status


unpacks the status messages into list of tuples

(error_code, message


adios_db.models.oil.validation.errors module

adios_db.models.oil.validation.validate module

Validation of a single oil record

The actual validation is done in the Oil object (and sub-objects)

This just provides some convenient wrappers around the validate call


validate an Oil object

oil.status is updated in place – this is simply a wrapper around Oil.reset_validation() – probably no longer needed


validate a json-compatible-python record

An Oil object is returned, if it’s possible to do so.

The “status” field is updated in place, with no other alterations of the record

Comment: the E010 error is redundant. We could easily get by with just

the validate() function.

adios_db.models.oil.validation.warnings module

All the warnings