adios_db.scripting package
Assorted utilities to help with writing scripts that use the oil database
- adios_db.scripting.find_highest_id(prefix, oil_path)
find the highest id of the records with a given prefix.
- Parameters:
prefix – two-char prefix of the IDs
oil_path – Path where the oil JSON files are.
NOTE: this assumes that the file names match the ID
- adios_db.scripting.get_all_records(data_dir)
gets all the records from the JSON data stored in gitLab
This is a generator that gets all the records, returning them one by one as record, path pairs
- Parameters:
data_dir – the directory that holds the data
The record returned is an Oil object
- Use as such::
- for oil, path in get_all_records(data_dir):
- adios_db.scripting.process_input(USAGE='\ data_dir [dry_run]\n\ndata_dir is a where the data are: the script will recursively\nsearch for JSON files\n\nIf "dry_run" is on the command line, it will report what it would do,\nbut not save any changes\n', other_flags=())
process sys.argv to get the path and whether it’s a dry_run or not
- Parameters:
USAGE=USAGE – the usage message to return print if there’s an error in the input – default provided
- Returns base_dir, dry_run, other_flags:
base_dir is a Path object of the dir passed in. dry_run is True if “dry_run” is on the command line. other_flags is a list of Bools, as to whether the other flags are there.