adios_db.models.oil.cleanup package
cleanup modules
all cleanup classes are registered here
- so far:
compute density from API
possible things to cleanup:
normalizing units for various things
putting distillation cuts in order
adios_db.models.oil.cleanup.add_labels module
Add labels to a record – for those that we can use some automatic criteria for
- For a given product type:
some labels can be determined from API and/or Viscosity ranges.
The criteria follows the ASTM (and others) standards, where we can find them.
- adios_db.models.oil.cleanup.add_labels.add_labels_to_oil(oil)
add labels to the passed in oil.
this adds labels, but does not remove any existing ones
- Parameters:
oil (Oil object) – the oil object to add labels to
- adios_db.models.oil.cleanup.add_labels.get_suggested_labels(oil)
get the labels suggested for this oil
- Parameters:
oil (Oil object) – the oil object to get the labels for
- Returns:
sorted list of all labels that match the criteria
- adios_db.models.oil.cleanup.add_labels.get_sulfur_labels(oil)
the low sulfur labels are their own thing
- adios_db.models.oil.cleanup.add_labels.is_label(oil, label)
adios_db.models.oil.cleanup.cleanup module
classes for options to clean up Records
- class adios_db.models.oil.cleanup.cleanup.Cleanup(oil)
- ID = None
- cleanup(oil, do_it=False)
run this particular cleanup option
- Parameters:
oil – an Oil object to act on
do_it=False – flag to tell the cleanup to do its thing. If False, the method returns a message. If True, the action is taken, and the Oil object is altered.
- Returns:
a message of what could be done, or what was done.
adios_db.models.oil.cleanup.density module
cleanups that work with density
- class adios_db.models.oil.cleanup.density.FixAPI(oil)
adds (or replaces) the API value, from the density measurements
- ID = '001'
- check()
checks to see if there is something to fix
returns: flag, msg
if nothing is needed, flag is None if something can be cleaned up, flag is True if something is wrong, but can not be cleaned up, flag is False
fixme: – maybe cleanup and validation should be better integrated?
- check_for_valid_api()
Check is the API value is already valid
- cleanup()
run this particular cleanup option
- Parameters:
oil – an Oil object to act on
# :param do_it=False: flag to tell the cleanup to do its thing. # If False, the method returns a message. If True, # the action is taken, and the Oil object is altered.
- Returns:
a message of what could be done, or what was done.
- find_density_at_60F()
Returns the density (in kg/m3)
It will interpolate and extrapolate as needed
adios_db.models.oil.cleanup.distillation module
cleanups that work with distillation data
There could be more, but for now, it sets the unit_type for the cuts.
- class adios_db.models.oil.cleanup.distillation.FixCutUnitType(oil)
sets the unit type for the cut fractions, based on the distillation type
- ID = '002'
- check()
checks to see if there is something to fix
returns: flag, msg
if nothing is needed, flag is None if something can be cleaned up, flag is True if something is wrong, but can not be cleaned up, flag is False
fixme: – maybe cleanup and validation should be better integrated?
- cleanup()
run this particular cleanup option
- mapping = {'mass fraction': 'massfraction', 'volume fraction': 'volumefraction', None: 'concentration'}