adios_db.models.common package


adios_db.models.common.measurement module

Generic Measurement Types

These are structures that handle an individual measurment:

They have a value, a unit type and a unit.

They can be converted to other units if need be.

They can accommodate a single value, or a range of values

They can also accommodate a standard deviation and number of replicates.

class adios_db.models.common.measurement.AngularVelocity(value: float = None, unit: str = None, min_value: float = None, max_value: float = None, standard_deviation: float = None, replicates: int = None, unit_type: str = None)

Bases: MeasurementBase

unit_type: str = 'angularvelocity'
class adios_db.models.common.measurement.AnyUnit(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: MeasurementBase

This is a type for data that could be any unit_type


a kludge – this should probably create the correct Measurement when created instead

class adios_db.models.common.measurement.Concentration(value: float = None, unit: str = None, min_value: float = None, max_value: float = None, standard_deviation: float = None, replicates: int = None, unit_type: str = None)

Bases: MeasurementBase

unit_type: str = 'concentration'
class adios_db.models.common.measurement.Density(value: float = None, unit: str = None, min_value: float = None, max_value: float = None, standard_deviation: float = None, replicates: int = None, unit_type: str = None)

Bases: MeasurementBase

unit_type: str = 'density'
class adios_db.models.common.measurement.Dimensionless(value: float = None, unit: str = None, min_value: float = None, max_value: float = None, standard_deviation: float = None, replicates: int = None, unit_type: str = None)

Bases: MeasurementBase

This is a type that can be converted to generic fractional amounts, but does not refer to a particular measurable quantity.

unit_type: str = 'dimensionless'
class adios_db.models.common.measurement.DynamicViscosity(value: float = None, unit: str = None, min_value: float = None, max_value: float = None, standard_deviation: float = None, replicates: int = None, unit_type: str = None)

Bases: MeasurementBase

unit_type: str = 'dynamicviscosity'
class adios_db.models.common.measurement.InterfacialTension(value: float = None, unit: str = None, min_value: float = None, max_value: float = None, standard_deviation: float = None, replicates: int = None, unit_type: str = None)

Bases: MeasurementBase

unit_type: str = 'interfacialtension'
class adios_db.models.common.measurement.KinematicViscosity(value: float = None, unit: str = None, min_value: float = None, max_value: float = None, standard_deviation: float = None, replicates: int = None, unit_type: str = None)

Bases: MeasurementBase

unit_type: str = 'kinematicviscosity'
class adios_db.models.common.measurement.Length(value: float = None, unit: str = None, min_value: float = None, max_value: float = None, standard_deviation: float = None, replicates: int = None, unit_type: str = None)

Bases: MeasurementBase

unit_type: str = 'length'
class adios_db.models.common.measurement.Mass(value: float = None, unit: str = None, min_value: float = None, max_value: float = None, standard_deviation: float = None, replicates: int = None, unit_type: str = None)

Bases: MeasurementBase

unit_type: str = 'mass'
class adios_db.models.common.measurement.MassFraction(value: float = None, unit: str = None, min_value: float = None, max_value: float = None, standard_deviation: float = None, replicates: int = None, unit_type: str = None)

Bases: MeasurementBase

unit_type: str = 'massfraction'
class adios_db.models.common.measurement.MassOrVolumeFraction(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: MeasurementBase

This could be Mass or Volume Fraction, or unspecified.

Unit_type must be one of:
  • MassFraction

  • VolumeFraction

  • Concentration (could be either mass or volume – who knows?)

  • unit_type – the value itself

  • value – the value itself

  • unit – the value itself

  • min_value – the value itself

  • max_value – the value itself

  • standard_deviation – the value itself

  • replicates – the value itself

  • unit_type – the type of unit – must be “massfraction”, “volumefraction” or “concentration”


copy an instance

This needs to be special, to preserve the unit_type attribute

class adios_db.models.common.measurement.NeedleAdhesion(value: float = None, unit: str = None, min_value: float = None, max_value: float = None, standard_deviation: float = None, replicates: int = None, unit_type: str = None)

Bases: MeasurementBase

unit_type: str = 'needleadhesion'

Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.

The top-level validator extends the existing list

class adios_db.models.common.measurement.Pressure(value: float = None, unit: str = None, min_value: float = None, max_value: float = None, standard_deviation: float = None, replicates: int = None, unit_type: str = None)

Bases: MeasurementBase

unit_type: str = 'pressure'
class adios_db.models.common.measurement.Temperature(value: float = None, unit: str = None, min_value: float = None, max_value: float = None, standard_deviation: float = None, replicates: int = None, unit_type: str = None)

Bases: MeasurementBase


Convert this Measurement object to the specified new unit

The object is mutated in place.

If the conversion can not be performed, an Exception will be raised, and the object not altered.

This will also return the object (self) – but that is a deprecated feature – do not use it!

If you want a new object, use converted_to instead

fixCK = False

This is a bit of a kludge:

The correct conversion from C to K is 273.16

But a lot of data sources (notably the ADIOS2 database) used 273.0.

So we end up with temps like: -0.15 C instead of 0.0 C This function will “correct” that.

Note: it also converts to C

unit_type: str = 'temperature'

Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.

The top-level validator extends the existing list

class adios_db.models.common.measurement.Time(value: float = None, unit: str = None, min_value: float = None, max_value: float = None, standard_deviation: float = None, replicates: int = None, unit_type: str = None)

Bases: MeasurementBase

unit_type: str = 'time'
class adios_db.models.common.measurement.Unitless(value: float = None, unit: str = None, min_value: float = None, max_value: float = None, standard_deviation: float = None, replicates: int = None, unit_type: str = None)

Bases: MeasurementBase

This is a type for data with no unit at all.

convert_to(*args, **kwargs)

Convert this Measurement object to the specified new unit

The object is mutated in place.

If the conversion can not be performed, an Exception will be raised, and the object not altered.

This will also return the object (self) – but that is a deprecated feature – do not use it!

If you want a new object, use converted_to instead

unit_type: str = 'unitless'

Function to validate a dataclass with fields that have validate methods. The validate methods are expected to return a list of validation messages.

The top-level validator extends the existing list

class adios_db.models.common.measurement.VolumeFraction(value: float = None, unit: str = None, min_value: float = None, max_value: float = None, standard_deviation: float = None, replicates: int = None, unit_type: str = None)

Bases: MeasurementBase

unit_type: str = 'volumefraction'

adios_db.models.common.utilities module

Tools for helping make our data models.

So far: making dataclasses read/writable as JSON

class adios_db.models.common.utilities.JSON_List(iterable=(), /)

Bases: list

just like a list, but with the ability to turn it into JSON

A regular list can only be converted to JSON if it has JSON-able objects in it.

Note: must be subclassed, and the item_type attribute set

classmethod from_py_json(py_json, allow_none=False)

create a JSON_List from json array of objects that may be json-able.

item_type = None

class decorator that adds the ability to save a dataclass as JSON

All fields must be either JSON-able Python types or have be a type with a _to_json method


much like python’s “Truthy” and Falsey”, but we want some values to not be false like zero, for instance

adios_db.models.common.validators module

class adios_db.models.common.validators.DateTimeValidator(err_msg=None)

Bases: object

Validator for strings that should be an ISO string, e.g.


it uses the build-in: datetime.fromisoformat()

so anything that passes that will pass this validator

class adios_db.models.common.validators.EnumValidator(valid_items, err_msg, case_insensitive=False)

Bases: object

validator for Enum values: a value that can only be one of a set

class adios_db.models.common.validators.FloatRangeValidator(min_value, max_value, err_msg=None)

Bases: object

Validator for float values that can only be a given range

range is inclusive (<= and >=)

class adios_db.models.common.validators.YearValidator(min_year, max_year, err_msg=None)

Bases: object

Validator for float values that can only be a given range

range is inclusive (<= and >=)

adios_db.models.common.vocabulary module
