gridded.pyugrid package
gridded.pyugrid.read_netcdf module
code to read the netcdf unstructured grid standard:
This code is called by the UGrid class to load into a UGRID object.
- gridded.pyugrid.read_netcdf.find_mesh_names(nc)[source]
find all the meshes in an open netcCDF4.DataSet
- Parameters
nc – the netCDF4 Dataset object to look for mesh names in
NOTE: checks for 2-d topology_dimension
- gridded.pyugrid.read_netcdf.is_valid_mesh(nc, varname)[source]
determine if the given variable name is a valid mesh definition
- Parameters
nc – a netCDF4 Dataset to check
varname – name of the candidate mesh variable
- gridded.pyugrid.read_netcdf.load_grid_from_nc_dataset(nc, grid, mesh_name=None)[source]
loads UGrid object from a netCDF4.DataSet object, adding the data to the passed-in grid object.
It will load the mesh specified, or look for the first one it finds if none is specified
- Parameters
nc (netCDF4 Dataset object) – netcdf Dataset to be loaded up
grid (UGrid object.) – the grid object to put the mesh and data into.
mesh_name=None – name of the mesh to load
# :param load_data=False: flag to indicate whether you want to load the # associated data or not. The mesh will be loaded # in any case. If False, only the mesh will be # loaded. If True, then all the data associated # with the mesh will be loaded. This could be huge! # :type load_data: boolean
NOTE: passing the UGrid object in to avoid circular references, while keeping the netcdf reading code in its own file.
- gridded.pyugrid.read_netcdf.load_grid_from_ncfilename(filename, grid, mesh_name=None)[source]
loads UGrid object from a netcdf file, adding the data to the passed-in grid object.
It will load the mesh specified, or look for the first one it finds if none is specified
- Parameters
filename – filename or OpenDAP url of dataset.
grid (UGrid object.) – the grid object to put the mesh and data into.
mesh_name=None – name of the mesh to load
# :param load_data=False: flag to indicate whether you want to load the # associated data or not. The mesh will be loaded # in any case. If False, only the mesh will be # loaded. If True, then all the data associated # with the mesh will be loaded. This could be huge! # :type load_data: boolean
gridded.pyugrid.ugrid module
ugrid classes
set of classes for working with unstructured model grids
The “ugrid” class is the base class: it stores everything in memory
It can read from and write to netcdf files in the UGRID format.
It may be able to reference a netcdf file at some point, rather than storing directly in memory.
NOTE: only tested for triangular and quad mesh grids at the moment.
- class gridded.pyugrid.ugrid.UGrid(nodes=None, node_lon=None, node_lat=None, faces=None, edges=None, boundaries=None, face_face_connectivity=None, face_edge_connectivity=None, edge_coordinates=None, face_coordinates=None, boundary_coordinates=None, data=None, grid_topology=None, mesh_name='mesh')[source]
A basic class to hold an unstructured grid as defined in the UGrid convention.
The internal structure mirrors the netcdf data standard.
- property boundaries
- build_boundaries()[source]
Builds the boundary segments from the cell array.
It is assumed that -1 means no neighbor, which indicates a boundary
This will over-write the existing boundaries array if there is one.
This is a not-very-smart just loop through all the faces method.
- build_boundary_coordinates()[source]
Builds the boundary_coordinates array, using the average of the nodes defining each boundary segment.
Note that you may want a different definition of the boundary coordinates than this computes, but this is here to have an easy default.
This will write-over an existing face_coordinates array
Useful if you want this in the output file
- build_celltree()[source]
Tries to build the celltree for the current UGrid. Will fail if nodes or faces is not defined.
- build_edge_coordinates()[source]
Builds the edge_coordinates array, using the average of the nodes defining each edge.
Note that you may want a different definition of the edge coordinates than this computes, but this is here to have an easy default.
This will write-over an existing edge_coordinates array
Useful if you want this in the output file
- build_edges()[source]
Builds the edges array: all the edges defined by the faces
This will replace the existing edge array, if there is one.
NOTE: arbitrary order – should the order be preserved?
- build_face_coordinates()[source]
Builds the face_coordinates array, using the average of the nodes defining each face.
Note that you may want a different definition of the face coordinates than this computes, but this is here to have an easy default.
This will write-over an existing face_coordinates array.
Useful if you want this in the output file.
- build_face_edge_connectivity()[source]
Builds the face-edge connectivity array
Not implemented yet.
- build_face_face_connectivity()[source]
Builds the face_face_connectivity array: giving the neighbors of each cell.
Note: arbitrary order and CW vs CCW may not be consistent.
- check_consistent()[source]
Check if the various data is consistent: the edges and faces reference existing nodes, etc.
- property edges
- property face_edge_connectivity
- property face_face_connectivity
- property faces
- classmethod from_nc_dataset(nc, mesh_name=None)[source]
create a UGrid object from a netcdf file (or opendap url)
- Parameters
nc (netCDF4.DataSet) – An already open Dataset object
mesh_name=None – the name of the mesh you want. If None, then you’ll get the only mesh in the file. If there is more than one mesh in the file, a ValueError Will be raised
# :param load_data=False: flag to indicate whether you want to load the # associated data or not. The mesh will be # loaded in any case. If False, only the mesh # will be loaded. If True, then all the data # associated with the mesh will be loaded. # This could be huge!
# :type load_data: boolean
- classmethod from_ncfile(nc_url, mesh_name=None)[source]
create a UGrid object from a netcdf file name (or opendap url)
- Parameters
nc_url – the filename or OpenDap url you want to load
mesh_name=None – the name of the mesh you want. If None, then you’ll get the only mesh in the file. If there is more than one mesh in the file, a ValueError Will be raised
- infer_location(data)[source]
- Parameters
data –
- Returns
‘nodes’ if data will fit to the nodes, ‘faces’ if the data will fit to the faces, ‘boundaries’ if the data will fit the boundaries. None otherwise.
If data is a netcdf variable, the “location” attribute is checked.
- property info
summary of information about the grid
- interpolate(points, variable, location=None, fill_value=0, indices=None, alphas=None, slices=None, _copy=False, _memo=True, _hash=None)
Interpolates a variable on one of the grids to an array of points.
- Parameters
points – Nx2 Array of lon/lat coordinates to be interpolated to.
variable – Array-like of values to associate at location on grid (node, center, edge1, edge2). This may be more than a 2-dimensional array, but you must pass ‘slices’ kwarg with appropriate slice collection to reduce it to 2 dimensions.
location – One of (‘node’, ‘center’, ‘edge1’, ‘edge2’) ‘edge1’ is conventionally associated with the ‘vertical’ edges and likewise ‘edge2’ with the ‘horizontal’
fill_value – If masked values are encountered in interpolation, this value takes the place of the masked value
indices – If computed already, array of Nx2 cell indices can be passed in to increase speed.
alphas – If computed already, array of alphas can be passed in to increase speed.
With a numpy array:
sgrid.interpolate_var_to_points(points, sgrid.u[time_idx, depth_idx])
With a raw netCDF Variable:
sgrid.interpolate_var_to_points(points, nc.variables[‘u’], slices=[time_idx, depth_idx])
If you have pre-computed information, you can pass it in to avoid unnecessary computation and increase performance.
ind = # precomputed indices of points
alphas = # precomputed alphas (useful if interpolating to the same points frequently)
- interpolate_var_to_points(points, variable, location=None, fill_value=0, indices=None, alphas=None, slices=None, _copy=False, _memo=True, _hash=None)[source]
Interpolates a variable on one of the grids to an array of points.
- Parameters
points – Nx2 Array of lon/lat coordinates to be interpolated to.
variable – Array-like of values to associate at location on grid (node, center, edge1, edge2). This may be more than a 2-dimensional array, but you must pass ‘slices’ kwarg with appropriate slice collection to reduce it to 2 dimensions.
location – One of (‘node’, ‘center’, ‘edge1’, ‘edge2’) ‘edge1’ is conventionally associated with the ‘vertical’ edges and likewise ‘edge2’ with the ‘horizontal’
fill_value – If masked values are encountered in interpolation, this value takes the place of the masked value
indices – If computed already, array of Nx2 cell indices can be passed in to increase speed.
alphas – If computed already, array of alphas can be passed in to increase speed.
With a numpy array:
sgrid.interpolate_var_to_points(points, sgrid.u[time_idx, depth_idx])
With a raw netCDF Variable:
sgrid.interpolate_var_to_points(points, nc.variables[‘u’], slices=[time_idx, depth_idx])
If you have pre-computed information, you can pass it in to avoid unnecessary computation and increase performance.
ind = # precomputed indices of points
alphas = # precomputed alphas (useful if interpolating to the same points frequently)
- interpolation_alphas(points, indices=None, _copy=False, _memo=True, _hash=None)[source]
Given an array of points, this function will return the bilinear interpolation alphas for each of the three nodes of the face that the point is located in. If the point is not located on the grid, the alphas are set to 0 :param points: Nx2 numpy array of lat/lon coordinates
- Parameters
indices – If the face indices of the points is already known, it can be passed in to save repeating the effort.
- Returns
Nx3 numpy array of interpolation factors
TODO: mask the indices that aren’t on the grid properly.
- locate_faces(points, method='celltree', _copy=False, _memo=True, _hash=None)[source]
Returns the face indices, one per point.
Points that are not in the mesh will have an index of -1
If a single point is passed in, a single index will be returned If a sequence of points is passed in an array of indexes will be returned.
- Parameters
points – The points that you want to locate – (lon, lat). If the shape of point is 1D, function will return a scalar index. If it is 2D, it will return a 1D array of indices
method='celltree' – method to use. Options are ‘celltree’, ‘simple’. for ‘celltree’ the celltree2d pacakge must be installed: ‘simple’ is very, very slow for large grids.
This version utilizes the CellTree data structure.
- locate_nodes(points)[source]
Returns the index of the closest nodes to the input locations.
- Parameters
points – the lons/lats of locations you want the nodes closest to.
- Returns
the index of the closest node.
- property node_lat
- property node_lon
- property nodes
- property num_vertices
Maximum number of vertices in a face.
- save(filepath, format='netcdf4', variables={})[source]
Save the ugrid object as a netcdf file.
- Parameters
filepath – path to file you want o save to. An existing one will be clobbered if it already exists.
variables – dict of gridded.Variable objects to save to file
Follows the convention established by the netcdf UGRID working group:
- NOTE: Variables are saved here, because different conventions do it
gridded.pyugrid.util module
Miscellaneous util functions.
- gridded.pyugrid.util.asarraylike(obj)[source]
If it satisfies the requirements of pyugrid the object is returned as is. If not, then numpy’s array() will be called on it.
- Parameters
obj – The object to check if it’s like an array
- gridded.pyugrid.util.isarraylike(obj)[source]
tests if obj acts enough like an array to be used in pyugrid.
This should catch netCDF4 variables, etc.
Note: these won’t check if the attributes required actually work right.
- gridded.pyugrid.util.point_in_tri(face_points, point, return_weights=False)[source]
Calculates whether point is internal/external to element by comparing summed area of sub triangles with area of triangle element.
- NOTE: this seems like a pretty expensive way to do it
– compared to three side of line tests..
gridded.pyugrid.uvar module
UVar object, used to hold variables that are associated with a ugrid
- FixMe: should we enable direct attribute acces via python’s attribute access?
i.e. like netcdf variables – would use overloading __setattr__ and __getattr__
- class gridded.pyugrid.uvar.UMVar(name, location='none', data=None, attributes=None)[source]
A class to group multiple UVars (or other data sources) and retrieve common information. All the variables grouped in this class must have the same shape, location, and unique names.
TODO: Add attribues that all grouped variables have in common to the UMVar?
- class gridded.pyugrid.uvar.UVar(name, location, data=None, attributes=None)[source]
A class to hold a variable associated with the UGrid. Data can be on the nodes, edges, etc. – “UGrid Variable”
It holds an array of the data, as well as the attributes associated with that data – this is mapped to a netcdf variable with attributes(attributes get stored in the netcdf file)
- property data
The data associated with the UVar – a numpy array-like object with the actual data
- property dtype
data type of the variable
- property max
maximum value of the variable
- property min
minimum value of the variable
- property ndim
number of dimensions of the variable
- property shape
The shape of the data array associated with the UVar.