gridded.pysgrid package
gridded.pysgrid.lookup module
Created on Mar 24, 2015
@author: ayan
gridded.pysgrid.processing_2d module
Created on Apr 2, 2015
@author: ayan
- gridded.pysgrid.processing_2d.avg_to_cell_center(data_array, avg_dim)[source]
Given a two-dimensional numpy.array, average adjacent row values (avg_dim=1) or adjacent column values (avg_dim=0) to the grid cell center.
- Parameters
data_array (numpy.array) – 2-dimensional data
avg_dim (int) – integer specify array axis to be averaged
- Returns
- Return type
- gridded.pysgrid.processing_2d.rotate_vectors(x_arr, y_arr, angle_arr)[source]
Given x and y vectors in a projected coordinate system, rotate them by angles into a different coordinate system.
All arrays must have the same dimensions.
- Parameters
x_arr (numpy.array) – array of x-directed vectors
y_arr (numpy.array) – array of y-directed vectors
angle_arr (numpy.array) – array of angles in radians
- Returns
x and y arrays of rotated vectors
- Return type
gridded.pysgrid.read_netcdf module
Created on Mar 19, 2015
@author: ayan
- class gridded.pysgrid.read_netcdf.NetCDFDataset(nc)[source]
- find_coordinates_by_location(location_str, topology_dim)[source]
Find a grid coordinates variables with a location attribute equal to location_str. This method can be used to infer edge, face, or volume coordinates from the location attribute of a variable.
Location is a required attribute per SGRID conventions.
- gridded.pysgrid.read_netcdf.find_grid_topology_var(nc)[source]
Get the variable from a netCDF dataset that have a cf_role `attribute of ‘grid_topology’ and `topology_dimension of 2.
- Params nc
netCDF dataset
- Returns
variable name that contain grid topologies
- Return type
- gridded.pysgrid.read_netcdf.parse_padding(padding_str, mesh_topology_var)[source]
Use regex expressions to break apart an attribute string containing padding types for each variable with a cf_role of ‘grid_topology’.
Padding information is returned within a named tuple for each node dimension of an edge, face, or vertical dimension. The named tuples have the following attributes: mesh_topology_var, dim_name, dim_var, and padding. Padding information is returned as a list of these named tuples.
- Parameters
padding_str (str) – string containing padding types from a netCDF attribute.
- Returns
named tuples with padding information.
- Return type
gridded.pysgrid.sgrid module
Created on Apr 20, 2015
@author: ayan
- class gridded.pysgrid.sgrid.SGrid(node_lon=None, node_lat=None, node_mask=None, center_lon=None, center_lat=None, center_mask=None, edge1_lon=None, edge1_lat=None, edge1_mask=None, edge2_lon=None, edge2_lat=None, edge2_mask=None, edges=None, node_padding=None, edge1_padding=None, edge2_padding=None, grid_topology_var=None, variables=None, grid_variables=None, dimensions=None, node_dimensions=None, node_coordinates=None, edge1_coordinates=None, edge2_coordinates=None, angles=None, edge1_dimensions=None, edge2_dimensions=None, faces=None, face_padding=None, face_coordinates=None, face_dimensions=None, vertical_padding=None, vertical_dimensions=None, tree=None, use_masked_boundary=False, grid_topology=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
- apply_padding_to_idxs(idxs, padding=('none', 'none'))[source]
Given a list of indexes, increment each dimension to compensate for padding. Input indexes are assumed to be cell indexes
- build_celltree(use_mask=True)[source]
Builds the celltree across the grid defined by nodes (self.node_lon, self.node_lat) If center masking is provided in self.center_mask, it will remove masked cells, and take precedence over any node masking for celltree insertion.
If node masking is provided in self.node_mask and self.center_mask is not provided, it will remove masked nodes from the grid, which also removes all adjacent cells
- Parameters
use_mask – If False, ignores all masks and builds the celltree over the raw arrays. Does nothing if self.node_mask or self.center_mask are not present
- property center_padding
- property centers
- property edge1_padding
- property edge2_padding
- geo_to_logical(points, indices=None, _memo=False, _copy=False, _hash=None)[source]
Given a list of lon/lat points, converts them to l/m coordinates in logical cell space.
- get_efficient_slice(points=None, indices=None, location=None, _memo=False, _copy=False, _hash=None)[source]
Computes the minimum 2D slice that captures all the provided points/indices within. :param points: Nx2 array of longitude/latitude. (Optional) :param indices: Nx2 array of logical cell indices (Optional, but required if points omitted) :param location: ‘center’, ‘edge1’, ‘edge2’,’node’
- get_padding_slices(padding=('none', 'none'))[source]
Given a pair of padding types, return a numpy slice object you can use directly on data or lon/lat variables
- get_variable_at_index(var, index)[source]
Given a list of 2D indices, return the value of var at each index
- get_variable_by_index(var, index)[source]
index = index arr of quads (maskedarray only) var = ndarray/ma.array returns ndarray/ma.array
ordering is idx, idx+[0,1], idx+[1,1], idx+[1,0] masked values from var remain masked
Function to get the node values of a given face index. Emulates the ‘self.grid.nodes[self.grid.nodes.faces[index]]’ paradigm of unstructured grids.
- infer_location(variable)[source]
Assuming default is psi grid, check variable dimensions to determine which grid it is on.
- property info
Summary of information about the grid
This needs to be implimented – see UGrid for example
- interpolate(points, variable, location=None, fill_value=0, indices=None, alphas=None, padding=None, slices=None, unmask=False, _memo=False, _hash=None, _copy=False)
Interpolates a variable on one of the grids to an array of points. :param points: Nx2 Array of lon/lat coordinates to be interpolated to.
- Parameters
variable – Array-like of values to associate at location on grid (node, center, edge1, edge2). This may be more than a 2 dimensional array, but you must pass ‘slices’ kwarg with appropriate slice collection to reduce it to 2 dimensions.
location – One of (‘node’, ‘center’, ‘edge1’, ‘edge2’, ‘face’). ‘edge1’ is conventionally associated with the ‘vertical’ edges and likewise ‘edge2’ with the ‘horizontal’. Determines type of interpolation, see below for details
fill_value – If masked values are encountered in interpolation, this value takes the place of the masked value
indices – If computed already, array of Nx2 cell indices can be passed in to increase speed.
alphas – If computed already, array of alphas can be passed in to increase speed.
unmask – If true, unmask results, using fill value for masked values.
Depending on the location specified, different interpolation will be used.
For ‘center’, no interpolation
For ‘edge1’ or ‘edge2’, interpolation is linear, edge to edge across the cell
For ‘node’, interpolation is bilinear from the four nodes of each cell
The variable specified may be any array-like. - With a numpy array:
sgrid.interpolate_var_to_points(points, sgrid.u[time_idx, depth_idx]) - With a raw netCDF Variable:
sgrid.interpolate_var_to_points(points, nc.variables[‘u’], slices=[time_idx, depth_idx])
If you have pre-computed information, you can pass it in to avoid unnecessary computation and increase performance.
ind = # precomputed indices of points. This may be a masked array
alphas = # precomputed alphas (useful if interpolating to the same points frequently)
sgrid.interpolate_var_to_points(points, sgrid.u, indices=ind, alphas=alphas, slices=[time_idx, depth_idx])
- interpolate_var_to_points(points, variable, location=None, fill_value=0, indices=None, alphas=None, padding=None, slices=None, unmask=False, _memo=False, _hash=None, _copy=False)[source]
Interpolates a variable on one of the grids to an array of points. :param points: Nx2 Array of lon/lat coordinates to be interpolated to.
- Parameters
variable – Array-like of values to associate at location on grid (node, center, edge1, edge2). This may be more than a 2 dimensional array, but you must pass ‘slices’ kwarg with appropriate slice collection to reduce it to 2 dimensions.
location – One of (‘node’, ‘center’, ‘edge1’, ‘edge2’, ‘face’). ‘edge1’ is conventionally associated with the ‘vertical’ edges and likewise ‘edge2’ with the ‘horizontal’. Determines type of interpolation, see below for details
fill_value – If masked values are encountered in interpolation, this value takes the place of the masked value
indices – If computed already, array of Nx2 cell indices can be passed in to increase speed.
alphas – If computed already, array of alphas can be passed in to increase speed.
unmask – If true, unmask results, using fill value for masked values.
Depending on the location specified, different interpolation will be used.
For ‘center’, no interpolation
For ‘edge1’ or ‘edge2’, interpolation is linear, edge to edge across the cell
For ‘node’, interpolation is bilinear from the four nodes of each cell
The variable specified may be any array-like. - With a numpy array:
sgrid.interpolate_var_to_points(points, sgrid.u[time_idx, depth_idx]) - With a raw netCDF Variable:
sgrid.interpolate_var_to_points(points, nc.variables[‘u’], slices=[time_idx, depth_idx])
If you have pre-computed information, you can pass it in to avoid unnecessary computation and increase performance.
ind = # precomputed indices of points. This may be a masked array
alphas = # precomputed alphas (useful if interpolating to the same points frequently)
sgrid.interpolate_var_to_points(points, sgrid.u, indices=ind, alphas=alphas, slices=[time_idx, depth_idx])
- locate_faces(points, _memo=False, _copy=False, _hash=None, use_mask=True)[source]
Given a list of points, returns a list of x, y indices of the cell that contains each respective point
Points that are not on the node grid will have an index of -1
If a single point is passed in, a single index will be returned. If a sequence of points is passed in an array of indexes will be returned.
- Parameters
points (array-like containing one or more points: shape (2,) for one point, shape (N, 2) for more than one point.) – The points that you want to locate – (lon, lat). If the shape of point is 1D, function will return a scalar index. If it is 2D, it will return a 1D array of indices.
grid (Name of the grid ('node', 'center', 'edge1', 'edge2)) – The grid on which you want to locate the points
This version utilizes the CellTree data structure.
- nearest_var_to_points(points, variable, indices=None, grid=None, alphas=None, mask=None, slices=None, _memo=False, slice_grid=True, _hash=None, _copy=False)[source]
- property node_padding
- property nodes
- property non_grid_variables
- padding_slices = {'both': (1, -1), 'high': (None, 1), 'low': (1, None), 'none': (None, None)}
- save_as_netcdf(filepath)[source]
save the grid as a netcdf file
- Parameters
filepath – path to the file to be created and saved to
- topology_dimension = 2
- class gridded.pysgrid.sgrid.SGridAttributes(nc, topology_dim, topology_variable)[source]
Class containing methods to help with getting the attributes for either SGrid.
gridded.pysgrid.utils module
Created on Mar 23, 2015
@author: ayan
- class gridded.pysgrid.utils.GridPadding(mesh_topology_var, face_dim, node_dim, padding)
- face_dim
Alias for field number 1
- mesh_topology_var
Alias for field number 0
- node_dim
Alias for field number 2
- padding
Alias for field number 3
- gridded.pysgrid.utils.calculate_angle_from_true_east(lon_lat_1, lon_lat_2)[source]
Return the angle from true east in radians.
- gridded.pysgrid.utils.calculate_bearing(lon_lat_1, lon_lat_2)[source]
return bearing from true north in degrees
- gridded.pysgrid.utils.check_element_equal(lst)[source]
Check that all elements in an iterable are the same.
- Params lst
iterable object to be checked
- Returns
result of element equality check
- Return type
- gridded.pysgrid.utils.determine_variable_slicing(sgrid_obj, nc_variable, method='center')[source]
Figure out how to slice a variable. This function only knows who to figure out slices that would be used to trim data before averaging to grid cell centers; grid cell nodes will be supported later.
- Parameters
sgrid_obj (sgrid.SGrid) – an SGrid object derived from a netCDF file or netCDF4.Dataset object.
nc_dataset (netCDF4.Dataset) – a netCDF4.Dataset object from which the sgrid_obj was derived.
variable (str) – the name of a variable to be sliced.
method (str) – slice method for analysis at grid cell centers or grid cell nodes; accepts either ‘center’ or ‘node’.
- Returns
the slice for the variable for the given method.
- Return type
- gridded.pysgrid.utils.infer_avg_axes(sgrid_obj, nc_var_obj)[source]
Infer which numpy axis to average over given the a variable defined on the grid. Works well for 2D. Not so sure about 3D.
- gridded.pysgrid.utils.pair_arrays(x_array, y_array)[source]
Given two arrays to equal dimensions, pair their values element-wise.
For example given arrays [[1, 2], [3, 4]] and [[-1, -2], [-3, -4]], this function will return [[[1, -1], [2, -2]], [[3, -3], [4, -4]]].
- Parameters
x_array (np.array) – a numpy array containing “x” coordinates
y_array (np.array) – a numpy array containing “y” coordinates
- Returns
array containing (x, y) arrays
- Return type
gridded.pysgrid.variables module
Created on Apr 15, 2015
@author: ayan
- class gridded.pysgrid.variables.SGridVariable(center_axis=None, center_slicing=None, coordinates=None, dimensions=None, dtype=None, grid=None, location=None, node_axis=None, node_slicing=None, standard_name=None, variable=None, vector_axis=None, x_axis=None, y_axis=None, z_axis=None, data=None)[source]
Object of variables found and inferred from an SGRID compliant dataset.
- property data
- property max
- property min
- property ndim
- property shape