
gridded itself is pure python and easy to install from source or packages. However, it does rely on a number of complex compiled dependencies, notable netCDF4 and celltree2d.


As of yet, there is no package on PyPi, so a plain pip install gridded Will not work.

However, if you are managing your packages with pip, then you can use pip to install from source or gitHub:

From source

Either make a clone of the gitHub repo or download a source tarball and unpack it.

Then, in the gridded dir:

pip install ./

or, if you want to contribute to the code, you can install in editable mode:

pip install -e ./


The conda system provides a way to manage complex compiled packages:

You can install a base conda system with either the Anaconda distribution, or miniconda:


gridded has some dependencies that are not supported in the default conda channel. These are all support on the conda-forge channel:

You can add the channel to your system with:

conda config --add channels conda-forge

Dependencies are listed in conda_requirements.txt, and can be installed with:

conda install --file conda_requirements.txt

If you want to develop, test or work with the examples, you will need the development requirements as well:

conda install --file conda_requirements_dev.txt


There are also a few “environment files” that will directly build a conda environment for you:

conda env create -f py2_environment.yml

For python2, and:


For python 3