adios_db.data_sources.exxon_assays.v1 package


adios_db.data_sources.exxon_assays.v1.mapper module

Exxon Mapper Version 1

Not really a class – it’s really a function that build up an oil object


Accepts and Exxon record:

tuple of:
  • oil name

  • list of lists of the spreadsheet contents

returns an Oil Object

adios_db.data_sources.exxon_assays.v1.mapper.apply_map(data, cut_table, samples)

These are the dataclasses that comprise the attributes of the Sample

adios_db.data_sources.exxon_assays.v1.mapper.process_cut_table(oil, samples, cut_table)

process the parts that aren’t a simple map

adios_db.data_sources.exxon_assays.v1.mapper.read_cut_table(sample_names, data)

Read the rest of the rows and save them in a dictionary.

  • key: first field of the row

  • value: the rest of the fields as a list. The index position in the

    list will be correlated to the sample names that were captured.


Some datasheets (curlew) have some empty columns in between the sample data and the properties column. So we need to make sure there actually exists a sample name field before adding it to our cut table data.


fixme: this should probably be more flexible but we can wait ‘till we get data that doesn’t match it could / should read the whole dist cut table, then map it to the samples Exxon info in the header

adios_db.data_sources.exxon_assays.v1.mapper.set_boiling_point_range(samples, cut_table)

Parse the names to determine the boiling point ranges Requires the sample names to be initialized

Need to know: - Initial boiling point (IBF) - End boiling point (EP)

adios_db.data_sources.exxon_assays.v1.mapper.set_sample_property(samples, row, attr, unit, cls, unit_type=None, convert_from=None, element_of=None, num_digits=5)

reads a row from the spreadsheet, and sets the sample properties


  • optional rounding to “num_digits” digits

  • optional converting to unit from convert_from (if the data aren’t in the right units)

  • These values are now kept in a list of compounds held by the bulk_composition attribute

  • The name & groups of each compound should be match the ADIOS data model controlled vocabulary